本文代码基于Kubernetes v1.21.2, commit sha 为 092fbfbf53427de67cac1e9fa54aaa09a28371d7
继续上一篇文章,本文对于 pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:1459 中的 PLEG 进行展开
func (kl *Kubelet) Run(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate) {
// .. 省略之前的代码
// Start the pod lifecycle event generator.
kl.syncLoop(updates, kl)
What is PLEG?#
PLEG 的全称是 Pod Lifecycle Events Generator(Pod 生命周期事件生成器)。kubelet 是每个节点的 agent,负责管理节点上的 Pod,并使它们运行到 Spec 中期望的状态。为了实现这一目标,kubelet 需要对于 Pod Spec 和 Container 的状态变化作出反应。对于 Spec 的变化,kubelet 会从多个来源来观测这一改动;对于 Container 状态变化,kubelet 采用定时轮询的方式去获取容器的最新状态。但是随着 Pod/Container 的数量增加,轮询会产生很大的开销。并且 kubelet 对于每一个 Pod 都有一个 goroutine 进行管理,这个会在后面的文章中分析 PodWorker。在没有 PLEG 之前,是直接查询 Container 状态的所以会导致周期性大量并发的请求到 Container Runtime,造成性能问题。PLEG 的引入便是为了解决这个问题:
- Reduce unnecessary work during inactivity (no spec/state changes)
- Lower the concurrent requests to the container runtime.
为了生成 Pod 生命周期事件,PLEG 需要检测 Container 状态的变化。 与之前的方案相比较,虽然也是轮询,但是PLEG 是单 goroutine 的,计算出事件后,之后相关的 Pod Worker 会被唤醒进行工作。虽然有些 Container Runtime 会有自己的事件,但是 PLEG 并没有进行对接,依旧采用定时轮询对比前后两次状态来生成的事件
关于 PLEG 的详细设计可以参考 官方文档
PLEG 相关的代码位于 pkg/kubelet/pleg 目录下。首先我们来看 kubelet
结构体中的 pleg
的定义,它的类型是 PodLifecycleEventGenerator
// PodLifecycleEventGenerator contains functions for generating pod life cycle events.
type PodLifecycleEventGenerator interface {
Start() // 生产 PodLifecycleEvent 到 channel
Watch() chan *PodLifecycleEvent // 直接返回了 channel
Healthy() (bool, error)
我们将围绕上面 3 个函数进行展开,分析 PLEG 对外提供的功能。PLEG 中定义了 4 中事件类型
type PodLifeCycleEventType string
const (
// ContainerStarted - event type when the new state of container is running.
ContainerStarted PodLifeCycleEventType = "ContainerStarted"
// ContainerDied - event type when the new state of container is exited.
ContainerDied PodLifeCycleEventType = "ContainerDied"
// ContainerRemoved - event type when the old state of container is exited.
ContainerRemoved PodLifeCycleEventType = "ContainerRemoved"
// PodSync is used to trigger syncing of a pod when the observed change of
// the state of the pod cannot be captured by any single event above.
PodSync PodLifeCycleEventType = "PodSync"
// ContainerChanged - event type when the new state of container is unknown.
ContainerChanged PodLifeCycleEventType = "ContainerChanged"
函数会创建一个 goroutine,核心的逻辑位于 relist
// Start spawns a goroutine to relist periodically.
func (g *GenericPLEG) Start() {
// relistPeriod 值为 1 秒,在创建 PLEG 结构体的时候传入
go wait.Until(g.relist, g.relistPeriod, wait.NeverStop)
我们把此函数拆为两部分来看,第一部分比对新旧所有的容器,然后生成对应的 Event
// relist queries the container runtime for list of pods/containers, compare
// with the internal pods/containers, and generates events accordingly.
func (g *GenericPLEG) relist() {
timestamp := g.clock.Now()
// .. 省略: Prometheus 的 metrics 相关逻辑
// 1. Get all the pods. 参数为 true 的时候会包含 exited and dead containers
podList, err := g.runtime.GetPods(true)
// 更新最近一次执行的时间,在 Healthy 函数中会用到
pods := kubecontainer.Pods(podList)
// 存储此次运行的 All Pods
// 2. Compare the old and the current pods, and generate events.
eventsByPodID := map[types.UID][]*PodLifecycleEvent{}
// podRecords 是一个 Map 结构,key 为 POD_ID,value 则为一个 POD Record,每一个 Record 保存了 OLD 和 CURRENT 信息
// type podRecord struct {
// old *kubecontainer.Pod
// current *kubecontainer.Pod
// }
// type podRecords map[types.UID]*podRecord
// 3. 全量比较每一个 POD(此次/上次)下的容器差别,然后生成对应的事件
for pid := range g.podRecords {
oldPod := g.podRecords.getOld(pid)
pod := g.podRecords.getCurrent(pid)
// Get all containers in the old and the new pod.
// 这个函数返回 POD 下的 container 和 sandbox (pause container)
allContainers := getContainersFromPods(oldPod, pod)
for _, container := range allContainers {
// 生成 event
events := computeEvents(oldPod, pod, &container.ID)
for _, e := range events {
// 等价于 eventsByPodID[e.ID] = append(eventsByPodID[e.ID], e)
updateEvents(eventsByPodID, e)
// ... 接下文
基本逻辑就是将当前的 Pod 列表和上一次 relist 的 Pod 列表进行对比之后,就会针对每一个变化生成相应的 Pod 级别的事件
对比并生成事件的函数为 computeEvents
func computeEvents(oldPod, newPod *kubecontainer.Pod, cid *kubecontainer.ContainerID) []*PodLifecycleEvent {
var pid types.UID
if oldPod != nil {
pid = oldPod.ID
} else if newPod != nil {
pid = newPod.ID
// 定义在 pkg/kubelet/pleg/generic.go:410
// FindContainerByID and convertState
oldState := getContainerState(oldPod, cid)
newState := getContainerState(newPod, cid)
return generateEvents(pid, cid.ID, oldState, newState)
根据 cid
(containerId) 在 POD 的 Containers
和 Sandboxes
中查找对应的 container,然后将 state 转换成 plegContainerState
。对应的映射关系如下,pkg/kubelet/pleg/generic.go:86 convertState
然后我们来实际生成事件的函数 generateEvents
,此函数接收新旧两个 State
func generateEvents(podID types.UID, cid string, oldState, newState plegContainerState) []*PodLifecycleEvent {
if newState == oldState {
return nil
switch newState {
case plegContainerRunning:
return []*PodLifecycleEvent{{ID: podID, Type: ContainerStarted, Data: cid}}
case plegContainerExited:
return []*PodLifecycleEvent{{ID: podID, Type: ContainerDied, Data: cid}}
case plegContainerUnknown:
return []*PodLifecycleEvent{{ID: podID, Type: ContainerChanged, Data: cid}}
case plegContainerNonExistent:
switch oldState {
case plegContainerExited:
// We already reported that the container died before.
return []*PodLifecycleEvent{{ID: podID, Type: ContainerRemoved, Data: cid}}
return []*PodLifecycleEvent{{ID: podID, Type: ContainerDied, Data: cid}, {ID: podID, Type: ContainerRemoved, Data: cid}}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized container state: %v", newState))
其实这里的模型就是状态机,不过不是一般的给予状态 A 加状态转移函数,然后跳转到 B 这种。而是给予状态 A 和 状态 B,返回了从 A 到 B 的状态转移的名称
得到 Events 后,我们接着看 relist
func (g *GenericPLEG) relist() {
// .. 承上
for pid, events := range eventsByPodID {
// 这里省略开启 Cache 后需要更新 Cache 并且判断是否需要二次核对的逻辑
pod := g.podRecords.getCurrent(pid)
// Update the internal storage and send out the events.
// 更新 podRecord,将 current 赋值到 old,然后将 current 赋值为 nil
for i := range events {
// Filter out events that are not reliable and no other components use yet.
if events[i].Type == ContainerChanged {
select {
case g.eventChannel <- events[i]:
klog.ErrorS(nil, "Event channel is full, discard this relist() cycle event")
事件会被发送到 eventCahnnel
在 syncLoop
函数中的 for
循环内,每次都会检查 runtimeState.runtimeErrors
func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoop(updates <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate, handler SyncHandler) {
klog.InfoS("Starting kubelet main sync loop")
for {
if err := kl.runtimeState.runtimeErrors(); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "Skipping pod synchronization")
// .. 省略: 二进制指数退避的 sleep
// 调用 syncLoopIteration,从多个 channel 中 select 消息
if !kl.syncLoopIteration(updates, handler, syncTicker.C, housekeepingTicker.C, plegCh) {
会遍历所有的 healthChecks
数组中的健康检查函数,然后逐一调用,最后通过 NewAggregate
func (s *runtimeState) runtimeErrors() error {
defer s.RUnlock()
errs := []error{}
if s.lastBaseRuntimeSync.IsZero() {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("container runtime status check may not have completed yet"))
} else if !s.lastBaseRuntimeSync.Add(s.baseRuntimeSyncThreshold).After(time.Now()) {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("container runtime is down"))
// type healthCheck struct {
// name string
// fn healthCheckFnType
// }
for _, hc := range s.healthChecks {
// 执行函数
if ok, err := hc.fn(); !ok {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("%s is not healthy: %v", hc.name, err))
if s.runtimeError != nil {
errs = append(errs, s.runtimeError)
// 返回错误聚合
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
通过 addHealthCheck
函数可以向此数组中追加检查项。对于 PLEG 是在 NewMainKubelet
// NewMainKubelet instantiates a new Kubelet object along with all the required internal modules.
// No initialization of Kubelet and its modules should happen here.
func NewMainKubelet(...) (*Kubelet, error) {
// ...
klet := &Kubelet{
// ...
// ...
klet.pleg = pleg.NewGenericPLEG(klet.containerRuntime, plegChannelCapacity, plegRelistPeriod, klet.podCache, clock.RealClock{})
klet.runtimeState = newRuntimeState(maxWaitForContainerRuntime)
klet.runtimeState.addHealthCheck("PLEG", klet.pleg.Healthy)
// ...
return klet, nil
// Healthy check if PLEG work properly.
// relistThreshold is the maximum interval between two relist.
func (g *GenericPLEG) Healthy() (bool, error) {
relistTime := g.getRelistTime()
if relistTime.IsZero() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("pleg has yet to be successful")
// Expose as metric so you can alert on `time()-pleg_last_seen_seconds > nn`
elapsed := g.clock.Since(relistTime)
// 常量 relistThreshold = 3 * time.Minute
if elapsed > relistThreshold {
return false, fmt.Errorf("pleg was last seen active %v ago; threshold is %v", elapsed, relistThreshold)
return true, nil
即最近 3 分钟内没有执行过 PLEG 的逻辑,那么变会报错
9月 25 11:05:06 k8s-dev-node1 kubelet[546]: I0925 11:05:06.003645 546 kubelet.go:1794] skipping pod synchronization - [container runtime is down PLEG is not healthy: pleg was last seen active 21m18.877402888s ago; threshold is 3m0s]
调用 Watch
函数可以得到 eventChannel
pkg/kubelet/pleg/generic.go: 125
// Watch returns a channel from which the subscriber can receive PodLifecycleEvent
// events.
// TODO: support multiple subscribers.
func (g *GenericPLEG) Watch() chan *PodLifecycleEvent {
return g.eventChannel
这些事件会在 pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go:1919 的 syncLoopIteration
被消费。这里便和前面的 syncLoop
func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoopIteration(
configCh <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate,
handler SyncHandler,
syncCh <-chan time.Time,
housekeepingCh <-chan time.Time,
plegCh <-chan *pleg.PodLifecycleEvent
) bool {
select {
// .. 省略
case e := <-plegCh:
if e.Type == pleg.ContainerStarted {
// record the most recent time we observed a container start for this pod.
// this lets us selectively invalidate the runtimeCache when processing a delete for this pod
// to make sure we don't miss handling graceful termination for containers we reported as having started.
kl.lastContainerStartedTime.Add(e.ID, time.Now())
// 即 event.Type != pleg.ContainerRemoved
if isSyncPodWorthy(e) {
// PLEG event for a pod; sync it.
if pod, ok := kl.podManager.GetPodByUID(e.ID); ok {
klog.V(2).InfoS("SyncLoop (PLEG): event for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "event", e)
} else {
// If the pod no longer exists, ignore the event.
klog.V(4).InfoS("SyncLoop (PLEG): pod does not exist, ignore irrelevant event", "event", e)
if e.Type == pleg.ContainerDied {
if containerID, ok := e.Data.(string); ok {
kl.cleanUpContainersInPod(e.ID, containerID)
return true
- 如果事件类型为
则会在 Pod 维度上纪录最近一个 Container 的启动时间 - 对于非
类型的事件,则会分发任务到 PodWorker 然后进行同步 - 如果事件类型为
,那么会删除 Container,这里只负责删除。如果 spec 中有 restart-always 之类的配置,是由syncLoop
中的逻辑检测然后重新创建 container 的
关于 syncLoop