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探秘 New Relic Python agent

·1366 words·3 mins
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本文为阅读 NewRelic Python agent 源代码时的思考,主要讨论如何在不修改用户代码的前提下在 Python 中实现模块级别的 hook。使用到的代码版本为

newrelic-admin 调用的是位于 newrelic/admin/ 中的 main 函数,不过在这之前有两个 module 中执行的函数 load_internal_pluginsload_external_plugins

# newrelic/admin/
_builtin_plugins = [
    # ...


def load_internal_plugins():
    for name in _builtin_plugins:
        module_name = '%s.%s' % (__name__, name)

def load_external_plugins():
        import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:

    group = 'newrelic.admin'

    for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=group):


它们分别用于加载内置和外部的插件,比如 run_program。这些 plugin 可以借助 newrelic.admin.command 装饰器注册自己的命令行参数

当我们使用 run-program 去执行用户程序的时候,agent 会修改掉 PYTHONPATH

# newrelic/admin/
@command('run-program', '...', 'Executes the command ...')
def run_program(args):
    # 仅摘取关键代码
    from newrelic import __file__ as root_directory

    root_directory = os.path.dirname(root_directory)
    boot_directory = os.path.join(root_directory, 'bootstrap')
    python_path = boot_directory

    if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
        path = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].split(os.path.pathsep)
        if boot_directory not in path:
            python_path = "%s%s%s" % (boot_directory, os.path.pathsep,
    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = python_path

newrelic 安装路径下的 bootstrap 目录会被添加到 PYTHONPATH 的最前面,这样便可以通过最高优先级来导入 newrelic 的 module

然后 newrelic 做完这些准备工作后,就去执行用户的命令了(环境变量是会被继承的参考之前写过的文章)

# newrelic/admin/
@command('run-program', '...', 'Executes the command ...')
def run_program(args):
    # 仅摘取关键代码
    program_exe_path = args[0]  # args 为用户命令,比如 python

    # 根据 PATH 寻找 bin 文件的完整路径
    if not os.path.dirname(program_exe_path):
        program_search_path = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.path.pathsep)
        for path in program_search_path:
            path = os.path.join(path, program_exe_path)
            if os.path.exists(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK):
                program_exe_path = path

    log_message('program_exe_path = %r', program_exe_path)
    log_message('execl_arguments = %r', [program_exe_path] + args)

    # 执行
    os.execl(program_exe_path, *args)

我们回头来看 bootstrap 目录下面有什么


解释器在初始化的时候会自动导入 PYTHONPATH 下存在的 sitecustomizeusercustomize(sitecustomize 优先级更高)。这样 newrelic 便可以在应用本身中做手脚了

首先 newrelic 会去尝试导入原本的 sitecustomize,因为担心会再次导入自身(因为 bootstrap 路径在最前面)而且 import system 自身可能会存在缓存,所以这里在从 sys.path 中删除 bootstrap 路径后使用 imp 去导入而不是直接 import

# newrelic/bootstrap/
import imp
# We need to import the original file if it exists. We
# can't just try and import the existing one as we will pick up
# ourselves again. Even if we remove ourselves from sys.modules and
# remove the bootstrap directory from sys.path, still not sure that the
# import system will not have cached something and return a reference to
# ourselves rather than searching again. What we therefore do is use the
# imp module to find the module, excluding the bootstrap directory from
# the search, and then load what was found.

boot_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
root_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(boot_directory))

path = list(sys.path)

if boot_directory in path:
    del path[path.index(boot_directory)]

    (file, pathname, description) = imp.find_module('sitecustomize', path)
except ImportError:
    imp.load_module('sitecustomize', file, pathname, description)

然后 newrelic agent 进行初始化

# newrelic/bootstrap/
import newrelic.config
newrelic.config.initialize(config_file, environment)
# newrelic/

def initialize(config_file=None, environment=None, ignore_errors=None,
            log_file=None, log_level=None):
    if config_file is None:
        config_file = os.environ.get('NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE', None)
    if environment is None:
        environment = os.environ.get('NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT', None)
    if ignore_errors is None:
        ignore_errors = newrelic.core.config._environ_as_bool(
                'NEW_RELIC_IGNORE_STARTUP_ERRORS', True)

    _load_configuration(config_file, environment, ignore_errors,
            log_file, log_level)
    if _settings.monitor_mode or _settings.developer_mode:
        _settings.enabled = True
        _settings.enabled = False

sys.meta_path 中添加了自定义的 finder,实现了对 import 行为的拦截(from xx import yy 也会触发 xx 的 finder),参考文档 sys.meta_pathPEP-302

sys.meta_path.insert(0, newrelic.api.import_hook.ImportHookFinder())

finder 和 loader 的实现

def _notify_import_hooks(name, module):
    # Is assumed that this function is called with the global
    # import lock held. This should be the case as should only
    # be called from load_module() of the import hook loader.
    hooks = _import_hooks.get(name, None)
    if hooks is not None:
        _import_hooks[name] = None

        for callable in hooks:

class _ImportHookChainedLoader:

    def __init__(self, loader):
        self.loader = loader

    def load_module(self, fullname):
        module = self.loader.load_module(fullname)
        # Call the import hooks on the module being handled.
        _notify_import_hooks(fullname, module)
        return module

class ImportHookFinder:

    def __init__(self):
        self._skip = {}

    def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
        # If not something we are interested in we can return.
        if fullname not in _import_hooks:
            return None
        # Check whether this is being called on the second time
        # through and return.
        if fullname in self._skip:
            return None

        # We are now going to call back into import. We set a
        # flag to see we are handling the module so that check
        # above drops out on subsequent pass and we don't go
        # into an infinite loop.
        self._skip[fullname] = True

            loader = find_loader(fullname, path)  # importlib.find_loader
            if loader:
                return _ImportHookChainedLoader(loader)
            del self._skip[fullname]

在 Python 3.4 后我们应当在 finder 对象中实现 find_spec 方法,find_module 只是作为 find_spec 不存在时的 callback。这里同时兼容了 Python 2 和 3

register_import_hook 函数负责将 hook 注册到 _import_hooks 中,那么什么时候注册进来的呢,让我们回到 initialize

  1. _load_configuration 中加载了用户自定义的 trace hook
  2. _setup_instrumentation 中加载了内置的 trace hook,其中又分为多个维度


def _setup_instrumentation():
    # ...

def _process_module_builtin_defaults():
    # ...

所有的 hook 都放在 newrelic/hooks 目录下面

# newrelic/hooks/
def instrument_flask_app(module):
    # ...
    wrap_function_wrapper(module, 'Flask.handle_http_exception',

使用 _nr_wrapper_Flask_handle_http_exception_ 去装饰原生的函数,然后记录数据上传到 Server 端



  • 修改 PYTHONPATH,利用 sitecustomize 导入自己的 hook
  • sys.meta_path 添加自己的 finder
  • 装饰原生函数
  • 可能还有其他的魔法?

根据 newrelic agent 的现有代码量来说,如果要造一个推送应用 metrics 数据到 push gateway,然后由 Prometheus 做 APM 的轮子好像不如直接改代码来的方便一些