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write in Python

·3087 words·7 mins
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本文研究 Python PEP-3116 New I/O 引入后,Python 层面的 write 和 syscall write 之间的关系。文中所使用的 Python 版本为 3.7.2,commit sha 为 9a3ffc0492d1310ead9ce8f5ee678c26b20a338d

Binary Mode

当我们以 wb 模式(比如open('test.log', 'wb'))去打开一个文件的时候,返回的是一个 _io.BufferedWriter 对象,关于 buffer 的大小可以通过 buffering 参数去指定。关于 buffering 参数可以参考文档

buffering is an optional integer used to set the buffering policy. Pass 0 to switch buffering off (only allowed in binary mode), 1 to select line buffering (only usable in text mode), and an integer > 1 to indicate the size of a fixed-size chunk buffer. When no buffering argument is given, the default buffering policy works as follows:

  • Binary files are buffered in fixed-size chunks; the size of the buffer is chosen using a heuristic trying to determine the underlying device’s “block size” and falling back on io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE. On many systems, the buffer will typically be 4096 or 8192 bytes long.
  • “Interactive” text files (files for which isatty() returns True) use line buffering. Other text files use the policy described above for binary files.

因为代码太长了,所以这里仅截取几段逻辑,并且我下面指的 buffer 一般是 self->buffer 而不是 buffer 变量(待写入数据)

第一步,计算当前的可用空间,如果大于要写入的数据量则直接使用 memcpy 复制到 self->buffer

// buffer 变量是要写入的数据
// self->buffer 为内置的 buffer
// self->buffer_size 是初始化时指定的 buffer 大小
// self->pos 记录最后一次写入的位置
avail = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(self->buffer_size - self->pos, Py_off_t, Py_ssize_t);
if (buffer->len <= avail) {
    memcpy(self->buffer + self->pos, buffer->buf, buffer->len);
    if (!VALID_WRITE_BUFFER(self) || self->write_pos > self->pos) {
        self->write_pos = self->pos;
    ADJUST_POSITION(self, self->pos + buffer->len);
    if (self->pos > self->write_end)
        self->write_end = self->pos;
    written = buffer->len;
    goto end;

如果当前可用空间不够,那么先将 buffer 中的数据通过 write(2) 写入

res = _bufferedwriter_flush_unlocked(self);

可以参考 _bufferedwriter_flush_unlocked实现

如果我们在 flush 的时候出错了,那么这里首先会将 buffer 中还未被写入的数据移动到 buffer 的起始处。然后再次计算可用空间,如果能够容纳代写入的数据量,那么便 OK。否则尽可能的去缓冲数据然后返回错误。

if (res == NULL) {
    Py_ssize_t *w = _buffered_check_blocking_error();
    if (w == NULL)
        goto error;
    if (self->readable)
    /* Make some place by shifting the buffer. */
    memmove(self->buffer, self->buffer + self->write_pos,
            Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(self->write_end - self->write_pos,
                             Py_off_t, Py_ssize_t));
    self->write_end -= self->write_pos;
    self->raw_pos -= self->write_pos;
    self->pos -= self->write_pos;
    self->write_pos = 0;
    avail = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(self->buffer_size - self->write_end,
                             Py_off_t, Py_ssize_t);
    if (buffer->len <= avail) {
        /* Everything can be buffered */
        memcpy(self->buffer + self->write_end, buffer->buf, buffer->len);
        self->write_end += buffer->len;
        self->pos += buffer->len;
        written = buffer->len;
        goto end;
    /* Buffer as much as possible. */
    memcpy(self->buffer + self->write_end, buffer->buf, avail);
    self->write_end += avail;
    self->pos += avail;
    /* XXX Modifying the existing exception e using the pointer w
       will change e.characters_written but not e.args[2].
       Therefore we just replace with a new error. */
    _set_BlockingIOError("write could not complete without blocking",
    goto error;

如果 buffer flush 的过程顺利完成且将要写入的数据比 buffer 总空间还要大,那么我们首先尝试能不能将数据尽可能的直接通过 write(2) 写入直到剩余的数据小于 buffer 大小。如果过程中出错那么尽可能的缓存还未写入的数据然后上传递错误

remaining = buffer->len;
written = 0;
while (remaining > self->buffer_size) {
    Py_ssize_t n = _bufferedwriter_raw_write(
        self, (char *) buffer->buf + written, buffer->len - written);
    if (n == -1) {
        goto error;
    } else if (n == -2) {
        /* Write failed because raw file is non-blocking */
        if (remaining > self->buffer_size) {
            /* Can't buffer everything, still buffer as much as possible */
                   (char *) buffer->buf + written, self->buffer_size);
            self->raw_pos = 0;
            ADJUST_POSITION(self, self->buffer_size);
            self->write_end = self->buffer_size;
            written += self->buffer_size;
            _set_BlockingIOError("write could not complete without "
                                 "blocking", written);
            goto error;
    written += n;
    remaining -= n;
    /* Partial writes can return successfully when interrupted by a
       signal (see write(2)).  We must run signal handlers before
       blocking another time, possibly indefinitely. */
    if (PyErr_CheckSignals() < 0)
        goto error;

if (remaining > 0) {
    memcpy(self->buffer, (char *) buffer->buf + written, remaining);
    written += remaining;


  1. 我们将 buffer_size 设置为 16,然后每次写入 15 字节的数据
with open('test.log', 'wb', buffering=16) as f:
    for _ in range(5):
        f.write(b'a' * 15)

通过 strace 跟踪系统调用,可以发现执行了 5 次

➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 15)         = 15
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 15)         = 15
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 15)         = 15
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 15)         = 15
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 15)         = 15
+++ exited with 0 +++

第一次我们写入时,会直接复制到 buffer 中。当第二次写入时,因为 buffer 的剩余空间(为 1 byte)小于将要写入的数据(15 bytes),所以先会尝试清空现在的 buffer。将 buffer 中的 15 bytes 通过 write(2) 写入。如果清空成功,那么会尝试比较 buffer_size 和将要写入的数据大小,如果小于那么复制到 buffer 中。如果大于那么会尝试直接通过 write(2) 写入,直到全部写完或者剩余的数据量小于 buffer_size(将其复制到 buffer 中)

with open('test.log', 'wb', buffering=16) as f:
    f.write(b'a' * 15)
    f.write(b'a' * 1)
    f.write(b'a' * 3)
    f.write(b'a' * 3)

strace 跟踪结果

➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 16)        = 16
write(3, "aaaaaa", 6)                   = 6
+++ exited with 0 +++

第一次写入先缓冲 15 bytes,第二次写入再缓冲 1 byte。第三次写入时满了,进行 flush,一次性写入 16 bytes。然后待写入的 3 bytes 小于 buffer_size,再次缓冲。第四次写入再缓冲 3 bytes。最后在 with 的作用域结束会自动写入这 6 bytes

Text Mode

接下来是以 t 模式打开文件,Python 返回的是 _io.TextIOWrapper,这个对象中包含了一个 _io.BufferedWriter,可以通过 f.buffer 进行访问。除了这个底层缓冲区,_io.TextIOWrapper 中还包含了一个 pending_bytes 的缓冲区,它默认大小是 8192 bytes(初始化时硬编码的),也可以通过 _CHUNK_SIZE 进行修改

typedef struct
    // ...
    Py_ssize_t chunk_size;

    /* Reads and writes are internally buffered in order to speed things up.
       However, any read will first flush the write buffer if itsn't empty.
       Please also note that text to be written is first encoded before being
       buffered. This is necessary so that encoding errors are immediately
       reported to the caller, but it unfortunately means that the
       IncrementalEncoder (whose encode() method is always written in Python)
       becomes a bottleneck for small writes.
    PyObject *decoded_chars;       /* buffer for text returned from decoder */
    Py_ssize_t decoded_chars_used; /* offset into _decoded_chars for read() */
    PyObject *pending_bytes;       /* list of bytes objects waiting to be
                                      written, or NULL */
    Py_ssize_t pending_bytes_count;
    // ...
} textio;

这里的 pending_bytes 是一个 bytes 对象的列表,pending_bytes_count 保存了列表中所有对象的字节数目统计

当我们写入时首先会检查 \n,因为它会影响到缓冲策略。然后将其编码为 bytes,追加到 pending_bytes 中。如果 pending_bytes_count > chunk_size 那么会写入底层的 buffer 中。这个就是我们刚才所谈论的 _io.BufferedWriter


static PyObject *
_io_TextIOWrapper_write_impl(textio *self, PyObject *text)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=d2deb0d50771fcec input=fdf19153584a0e44]*/
    PyObject *ret;
    PyObject *b;
    Py_ssize_t textlen;
    int haslf = 0;
    int needflush = 0, text_needflush = 0;

    if (PyUnicode_READY(text) == -1)
        return NULL;


    if (self->encoder == NULL)
        return _unsupported("not writable");


    textlen = PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(text);

    if ((self->writetranslate && self->writenl != NULL) || self->line_buffering)
        if (PyUnicode_FindChar(text, '\n', 0, PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(text), 1) != -1)
            haslf = 1;

    if (haslf && self->writetranslate && self->writenl != NULL) {
        PyObject *newtext = _PyObject_CallMethodId(
            text, &PyId_replace, "ss", "\n", self->writenl);
        if (newtext == NULL)
            return NULL;
        text = newtext;

    if (self->write_through)  // 可以通过 reconfigure 设置
        text_needflush = 1;
    if (self->line_buffering &&
        (haslf ||
         PyUnicode_FindChar(text, '\r', 0, PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(text), 1) != -1))
        needflush = 1;

    /* XXX What if we were just reading? */
    if (self->encodefunc != NULL) {
        b = (*self->encodefunc)((PyObject *) self, text);
        self->encoding_start_of_stream = 0;
        b = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(self->encoder,
                                       _PyIO_str_encode, text, NULL);
    if (b == NULL)
        return NULL;
    if (!PyBytes_Check(b)) {
                     "encoder should return a bytes object, not '%.200s'",
        return NULL;

    if (self->pending_bytes == NULL) {
        self->pending_bytes = PyList_New(0);
        if (self->pending_bytes == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        self->pending_bytes_count = 0;
    if (PyList_Append(self->pending_bytes, b) < 0) {
        return NULL;
    self->pending_bytes_count += PyBytes_GET_SIZE(b);
    if (self->pending_bytes_count > self->chunk_size || needflush ||
        text_needflush) {
        if (_textiowrapper_writeflush(self) < 0)
            return NULL;

    if (needflush) {
        ret = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(self->buffer, _PyIO_str_flush, NULL);
        if (ret == NULL)
            return NULL;

    textiowrapper_set_decoded_chars(self, NULL);

    if (self->decoder) {
        ret = _PyObject_CallMethodId(self->decoder, &PyId_reset, NULL);
        if (ret == NULL)
            return NULL;

    return PyLong_FromSsize_t(textlen);

需要注意 _textiowrapper_writeflush 实际上只会将 pending_bytes 中的内容写入到 buffer 中,不会 flush buffer

static int
_textiowrapper_writeflush(textio *self)
    PyObject *pending, *b, *ret;

    if (self->pending_bytes == NULL)
        return 0;

    pending = self->pending_bytes;
    self->pending_bytes_count = 0;

    b = _PyBytes_Join(_PyIO_empty_bytes, pending);
    if (b == NULL)
        return -1;
    ret = NULL;
    do {
        ret = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(self->buffer,
                                         _PyIO_str_write, b, NULL);
    } while (ret == NULL && _PyIO_trap_eintr());
    if (ret == NULL)
        return -1;
    return 0;

那么比如我们指定行缓冲时,底层的 buffer 的大小是多大呢

首先来看一下 open 的实现

if (buffering == 1 || (buffering < 0 && isatty)) {
    buffering = -1;
    line_buffering = 1;
    line_buffering = 0;

if (buffering < 0) {
    PyObject *blksize_obj;
    blksize_obj = _PyObject_GetAttrId(raw, &PyId__blksize);  // raw 的类型是 PyFileIO_Type
    if (blksize_obj == NULL)
        goto error;
    buffering = PyLong_AsLong(blksize_obj);
    if (buffering == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
        goto error;

可见指定了行缓冲(buffering = 1)后,buffering 的值会变成 blksize 的值,根据 _io_FileIO___init___impl实现 取的是 DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE。这个值即是 io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,我这里是 8192 bytes


with open('test.log', 'w', buffering=16) as f:
    for _ in range(5):
        f.write('a' * 8192)

strace 输出

➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 16384) = 16384
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 16384) = 16384
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 8192) = 8192
+++ exited with 0 ++

这里我们限定了 buffer 的大小为 16 bytes。第一次写入,数据会被追加到 pending_bytes 列表中,然后 pending_bytes_count 为 8192 bytes,它并没有超过 _CHUNK_SIZE(8192 bytes)。在第二次写入时,数据同样追加到 pending_bytes,但是此时 pending_bytes_count(16384 bytes) 超过了 _CHUNK_SIZE,导致数据被刷到 buffer 中。不过 buffer 的长度是 16 bytes,所以数据被尝试直接使用 write(2) 写入。所以有了我们看到了 write(3, "aaa", 16384) 的 syscall。最后的 8192 bytes 的写入是因为 with 作用域导致的 close 所写入的

让我们将 buffer 调到 30000 bytes

with open('test.log', 'w', buffering=30000) as f:
    for _ in range(7):
        f.write('a' * 8192)

strace 输出

➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 16384) = 16384
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 16384) = 16384
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 24576) = 24576
+++ exited with 0 +++

第一次写入与第二次写入和上例一样,不过 pending_bytes 被刷到 buffer 中后并没有超过 buffer_size,它被放到了缓冲区中。第三次写入,数据被缓冲在 pending_bytes 中,第四次写入造成 pending_bytes 缓冲的数据总量超过 _CHUNK_SIZE,使得 16384 bytes 被刷到 buffer 中,此时 buffer 中存放了之前缓冲的 16384 bytes,而 buffer 的大小是 30000。可用空间不足,buffer 先被 flush,如果没有意外 16384 bytes 会被通过 write(2) 写入。这样 buffer 又空了,新来的 16384 bytes 会被缓冲住。第五次写入和第六次写入所发生的事情和第三次、第四次相同。第七次写入时,数据会放在 pending_bytes 中。当 with 结束,这 8192 bytes 会被先刷到 buffer 中,然后 buffer 再清空,所以写入了 16384 + 8192 bytes

我们在上面还看到了一个 write_through 变量,如果为 True 那么写入是不会经过 pending_bytes

with open('test.log', 'w', buffering=30000) as f:
    for _ in range(7):
        f.write('a' * 8192)

strace 结果如下

➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 24576) = 24576
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 24576) = 24576
write(3, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 8192) = 8192
+++ exited with 0 +++

因为不经过 pending_bytes,所以结果和

with open('test.log', 'wb', buffering=30000) as f:
    for _ in range(7):
        f.write(b'a' * 8192)



with open('test.log', 'w', buffering=1) as f:
    for _ in range(5):
➜ strace -e write python
write(3, "a\n", 2)                      = 2
write(3, "a\n", 2)                      = 2
write(3, "a\n", 2)                      = 2
write(3, "a\n", 2)                      = 2
write(3, "a\n", 2)                      = 2
+++ exited with 0 +++