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Kurumi Atelier Day15

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现在我们来实现分页,回顾一下 4 级页表的工作原理

x86-64 的页大小为 4KB,寻址所用位数为 48 位,使用 4 级页表,虚拟地址(线性地址)为 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 12

每级页表有 512(2^9) 项,每项为 8 字节,正好满足一页大小。首先从 CR3 寄存器获取 P4 table 的地址,然后使用虚拟地址的 39-47 位作为偏移量得到页表项(entry)。注意 39-47 bit 是包含起始的闭区间,所以总共 9 位,正好可以索引 512 项。此页表项的 12-51 位存放着下一级页表 P3 的起始地址,同样使用 30-38 位作为偏移量得到存放 P2 地址的页表项。以此类推…得到最后一级页表 P1 的某一页表项,然后将此项的 12-51 位作为物理地址帧的编号,虚拟地址的剩余 12 bit 作为偏移去找出对应的帧

需要注意 CPU 的位宽和寻址能力没有直接的关系,寻址能力和地址总线的位宽,比如我的 64 位笔记本的寻址能力如下

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
address sizes	: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual

Page 实现


struct Page {
   number: usize,

然后是 Entry,8 字节使用 u64 表示

const ENTRY_COUNT: usize = 512;
struct Entry(u64);


0presentthe page is currently in memory
1writableit's allowed to write to this page
2user accessibleif not set, only kernel mode code can access this page
3write through cachingwrites go directly to memory
4disable cacheno cache is used for this page
5accessedthe CPU sets this bit when this page is used
6dirtythe CPU sets this bit when a write to this page occurs
7huge page/nullmust be 0 in P1 and P4, creates a 1GiB page in P3, creates a 2MiB page in P2
8globalpage isn't flushed from caches on address space switch (PGE bit of CR4 register must be set)
9-11availablecan be used freely by the OS
12-51physical addressthe page aligned 52bit physical address of the frame or the next page table
52-62availablecan be used freely by the OS
63no executeforbid executing code on this page (the NXE bit in the EFER register must be set)

这里借助 bitflags crate,实现如下

bitflags! {
    struct EntryFlags: u64 {
        const PRESENT         = 1 << 0;
        const WRITABLE        = 1 << 1;
        const USER_ACCESSIBLE = 1 << 2;
        const WRITE_THROUGH   = 1 << 3;
        const NO_CACHE        = 1 << 4;
        const ACCESSED        = 1 << 5;
        const DIRTY           = 1 << 6;
        const HUGE_PAGE       = 1 << 7;
        const GLOBAL          = 1 << 8;
        const NO_EXECUTE      = 1 << 63;


impl Entry {
    pub fn is_unused(&self) -> bool {
        self.0 == 0

    pub fn set_unused(&mut self) {
        self.0 = 0;

    pub fn flags(&self) -> EntryFlags {

    pub fn pointed_frame(&self) -> Option<Frame> {
        if self.flags().contains(EntryFlags::PRESENT) {
            // physical address store in bits 12–51
            let addr = (self.0 as usize) & 0x000fffff_fffff000;
        } else {

    pub fn set(&mut self, frame: Frame, flags: EntryFlags) {
        assert!(frame.start_address() & !0x000fffff_fffff000 == 0);
        self.0 = (frame.start_address() as u64) | flags.bits();

Page Table 实现

因为页表自身也可以被寻址,所以不妨将 P4 的最后一个 entry 不指向 P3,而是指向 P4 自身。这样如果要寻址 P1 的某个 entry,便可以按照 P4 -> P4 -> P3 -> P2 -> physical address(实际上是 P1 地址的某一部分)的方式。相同的道理,循环 P4 两次的话便可以访问 P2,循环三次的话便可以访问 P3,循环四次便可以访问自身,如下图

boot.asm 中修改 P4 的最后一个页表项,使其指向自身

    ; recursive map P4
    mov eax, p4_table
    or eax, 0b11 ; present + writable
    mov [p4_table + 511 * 8], eax

因为将 48 位划分为了 9-9-9-9-12,所以使用八进制表示更加清楚一些

P30o177777_777_777_777_XXX_0000XXX 是 P4 索引
P20o177777_777_777_XXX_YYY_0000YYY 是 P3 索引
P10o177777_777_XXX_YYY_ZZZ_0000ZZZ 是 P2 索引

P3 页表的地址是经过三次 P4 的末表项和一次 P4 XXX 表项所得到的,进一步观察可以得出 next_table_address = (table_address << 9) | (index << 12) 的规律,所以只需要在代码中定义 P4 地址即可

const P4: *mut Table = 0xffffffff_fffff000 as *mut _;

另外一点,只有 P4, P3, P2 才能调用 next_table,所以在 Table 类型上加上 TableLevel 约束

use core::marker::PhantomData;

pub trait TableLevel {}

pub struct Table<L: TableLevel> {
    entries: [Entry; ENTRY_COUNT],
    level: PhantomData<L>,

实现四种 TableLevel

pub enum Level4 {}
pub enum Level3 {}
pub enum Level2 {}
pub enum Level1 {}

impl TableLevel for Level4 {}
impl TableLevel for Level3 {}
impl TableLevel for Level2 {}
impl TableLevel for Level1 {}

pub trait HierarchicalLevel: TableLevel {
    type NextLevel: TableLevel;

impl HierarchicalLevel for Level4 {
    type NextLevel = Level3;

impl HierarchicalLevel for Level3 {
    type NextLevel = Level2;

impl HierarchicalLevel for Level2 {
    type NextLevel = Level1;

实现 core::ops 中的 IndexIndexMut,使其能够进行索引

impl<L> Index<usize> for Table<L> where L: TableLevel {
    type Output = Entry;

    fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Entry {

impl<L> IndexMut<usize> for Table<L> where L: TableLevel {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Entry {
        &mut self.entries[index]

接下来为 Table 添加方法

impl<L> Table<L> where L: HierarchicalLevel {
    fn next_table_address(&self, index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        let entry_flags = self[index].flags();
        if entry_flags.contains(EntryFlags::PRESENT) && !entry_flags.contains(EntryFlags::HUGE_PAGE) {
            let table_address = self as *const _ as usize;
            Some((table_address << 9) | (index << 12))
        } else {

    // convert pointer into references
    pub fn next_table(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Table<L::NextLevel>> {
            .map(|address| unsafe { &*(address as *const _) })

    pub fn next_table_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut Table<L::NextLevel>> {
            .map(|address| unsafe { &mut *(address as *mut _) })



Page Tables | Writing an OS in Rust