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Kurumi Atelier Day6

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将 vga 打印部分进行简单的封装,cargo new vga 创建一个新的项目

Cargo.toml 中添加

path = "vga"
BlinkBackground colorForeground colorCode point

编写 vga/src/,记得添加 #![no_std]。第一步来编写色表

pub enum Color {
    Black      = 0,
    Blue       = 1,
    Green      = 2,
    Cyan       = 3,
    Red        = 4,
    Magenta    = 5,
    Brown      = 6,
    LightGray  = 7,
    DarkGray   = 8,
    LightBlue  = 9,
    LightGreen = 10,
    LightCyan  = 11,
    LightRed   = 12,
    Pink       = 13,
    Yellow     = 14,
    White      = 15,

repr(u8) 指定枚举中每一个元素使用 u8 来进行存储,实际上 u4 就够了,但是 Rust 中没有此类型

颜色由前景色和背景色组成,使用 ColorCode 结构体来表示


#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct ColorCode(u8);

impl ColorCode {
    const fn new(fgcolor: Color, bgcolor: Color) -> ColorCode {
        ColorCode((bgcolor as u8) << 4 | (fgcolor as u8))

接下来用 ScreenChar 结构体表示一个字符单元,包含颜色和 ASCII

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct ScreenChar {
    ascii_char: u8,
    color_code: ColorCode,

一屏容纳 80 × 25 字符

const BUFFER_HEIGHT: usize = 25;
const BUFFER_WIDTH: usize = 80;

struct Buffer {
    chars: [[ScreenChar; BUFFER_WIDTH]; BUFFER_HEIGHT]

编写 Writer,记录当前光标位置,并提供方法打印


use core::ptr::Unique;

pub struct Writer {
    column_position: usize,
    color_code: ColorCode,
    buffer: Unique<Buffer>,

因为之后要创建 staticWriter 所以这里使用 Unique

use core::fmt;

impl fmt::Write for Writer {
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
        for byte in s.bytes() {

impl Writer {
    pub fn write_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) {
        match byte {
            b'\n' => self.new_line(),
            byte => {
                if self.column_position >= BUFFER_WIDTH {

                let row = BUFFER_HEIGHT - 1;
                let col = self.column_position;

                let color_code = self.color_code;
                self.buffer().chars[row][col] = ScreenChar {
                    ascii_char: byte,
                    color_code: color_code,
                self.column_position += 1;

    fn buffer(&mut self) -> &mut Buffer {
        unsafe{ self.buffer.as_mut() }

    fn new_line(&mut self) {
        for row in 1..BUFFER_HEIGHT {
            for col in 0..BUFFER_WIDTH {
                let buffer = self.buffer();
                let character = buffer.chars[row][col];
                buffer.chars[row - 1][col] = character;
        self.column_position = 0;

    fn clear_row(&mut self, row: usize) {
        let blank = ScreenChar {
            ascii_char: b' ',
            color_code: self.color_code,
        for col in 0..BUFFER_WIDTH {
            self.buffer().chars[row][col] = blank;


创建 staticWriter,由于 write_byte 需要 &mut,而我们的变量是 static 的,所以通过 Mutex 来避免不安全的读写。由于不使用标准库,所以这里使用了 spin crate


extern crate spin;
use spin::Mutex;

pub static WRITER: Mutex<Writer> = Mutex::new(Writer {
    column_position: 0,
    color_code: ColorCode::new(Color::White, Color::Blue),
    buffer: unsafe { Unique::new_unchecked(0xb8000 as *mut _) },

现在我们便可以使用经过封装的 vga crate 了

extern crate vga;

pub extern fn kmain() -> ! {
    vga_buffer::WRITER.lock().write_str("Hello again");


target/x86_64-kurumi/release/libkurumi.a( In function `core::fm
t::num::<impl core::fmt::Debug for i128>::fmt':$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Debug$u20$for$u20$i128$GT$3fmt17he1c0b811bd
433411E+0x71): undefined reference to `__umodti3'$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Debug$u20$for$u20$i128$GT$3fmt17he1c0b811bd
433411E+0x86): undefined reference to `__udivti3'

这些函数是 LLVM 的 compiler-rt builtins,通常和标准库连接。但是我们现在不使用标准库,所以会出现上面的错误。由于我们写的 kernel 不会用到上面的函数,所以可以使用 --gc-sections 移除不使用的 section 来解决

但是这样改,qemu 运行时会报 error: no multiboot header found.。这是因为 boot section 也不行被移除了。通过 KEEP 命令显式标记一下就行了


Printing to Screen | Writing an OS in Rust