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generator and coroutine

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先说一说面试时的回答: 生成器是包含 yield value 的函数,而协程不仅是 yield value 还可以 rev = yield value


Coroutine vs Continuation vs Generator

A generator is essentially a cut down (asymmetric) coroutine. The difference between a coroutine and generator is that a coroutine can accept arguments after it’s been initially called, whereas a generator can’t.

另一份资料,它这样描述 intermediatePython

Coroutines are similar to generators with a few differences. The main differences are:

  • generators are data producers
  • coroutines are data consumers

好吧,上面的答案真的正确么? 是的,没问题

先来看看 coroutine 的定义(摘自 Wiki)

Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing multiple entry points for suspending and resuming execution at certain locations.


PEP 255 中第一次提出生成器的概念,并且引入了 yield 语句。

When a producer function has a hard enough job that it requires maintaining state between values produced, most programming languages offer no pleasant and efficient solution beyond adding a callback function to the producer’s argument list, to be called with each value produced.

并且在这篇 PEP 中有提到 协程 (coroutine)

A final option is to use the Stackless[2][3] variant implementation of Python instead, which supports lightweight coroutines. This has much the same programmatic benefits as the thread option, but is much more efficient.


PEP 334 中提及了如何通过迭代器和自定义异常 SuspendIteration 来实现协程

This PEP proposes a limited approach to coroutines based on an extension to the iterator protocol [5] . Currently, an iterator may raise a StopIteration exception to indicate that it is done producing values. This proposal adds another exception to this protocol, SuspendIteration, which indicates that the given iterator may have more values to produce, but is unable to do so at this time.

from random import randint
from time import sleep

class SuspendIteration(Exception):

class NonBlockingResource:

    """Randomly unable to produce the second value"""

    def __iter__(self):
        self._next = self.state_one
        return self

    def next(self):
        return self._next()

    def state_one(self):
        self._next = self.state_suspend
        return "one"

    def state_suspend(self):
        rand = randint(1,10)
        if 2 == rand:
            self._next = self.state_two
            return self.state_two()
        raise SuspendIteration()

    def state_two(self):
        self._next = self.state_stop
        return "two"

    def state_stop(self):
        raise StopIteration

def sleeplist(iterator, timeout = .1):
    Do other things (e.g. sleep) while resource is
    unable to provide the next value
    it = iter(iterator)
    retval = []
    while True:
        except SuspendIteration:
        except StopIteration:
    return retval

print sleeplist(NonBlockingResource())

In a real-world situation, the NonBlockingResource would be a file iterator, socket handle, or other I/O based producer. The sleeplist would instead be an async reactor, such as those found in asyncore or Twisted.

这种方式我们可以通过改变 iter 内部的状态来更改执行流程。除此之外还有多种协程的实现方式,比如 gevent 在底层实现了协程的支持。



然后就是 PEP 342 了, 通过增强生成器来支持协程。 做出了如下的修改:

yield 语句改为表达式(意味着可以 a = yield b),并为生成器增加了一些新的方法:send()throw()close()。同时,yield 可以在 try/finally 使用。

throw() 是我没接触过的,他可以向协程内部传递一个异常

def gen():
    while True:
        print("enter loop")
            yield "First"
            yield "Second"
        except Exception:
            print("catch an Exception")

g = gen()


enter loop
catch an Exception
enter loop

除此外还不够,PEP 380 中引入了 yield from,来解决如下的问题

A Python generator is a form of coroutine, but has the limitation that it can only yield to its immediate caller. This means that a piece of code containing a yield cannot be factored out and put into a separate function in the same way as other code. Performing such a factoring causes the called function to itself become a generator, and it is necessary to explicitly iterate over this second generator and re-yield any values that it produces.

简而言之便是简化了外层的 generator 向内层 generator 的消息传递,生成器可以简单的串联在一起

def inner():
    val = 0
    while True:
        val = yield val

def outer():
    _inner = inner()
    input_val = None
    ret = _inner.send(input_val)
    while True:
        input_val = yield ret
        ret = _inner.send(input_val)

yield from 改进后

def outer():
     yield from inner()

PEP 3156 中提出更深一步的协程支持 asyncio module 。asyncio.coroutine 装饰器可以用来标记作为协程的函数。这里的协程是和事件循环搭配使用的,主要用来实现异步 IO 操作。

import asyncio

def task(name, times):
    for i in range(times):
        print(name, i)
        yield from asyncio.sleep(1)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks = [
    asyncio.ensure_future(task("A", 2)),
    asyncio.ensure_future(task("B", 3))]

PEP 492 中引入了 async & await 语法的协程

It is proposed to make coroutines a proper standalone concept in Python, and introduce new supporting syntax. The ultimate goal is to help establish a common, easily approachable, mental model of asynchronous programming in Python and make it as close to synchronous programming as possible.

