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PEG 语法

·1747 words·4 mins
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学习使用一下 peg/leg 工具,主要是熟练一下 peg 的语法,文档在这里

peg 的语法并不统一,或者说是不同工具有不同的扩展。比如这个工具,支持 %whitespace 自定义

Additive    <- Multiplicative '+' Additive / Multiplicative
Multiplicative   <- Primary '*' Multiplicative / Primary
Primary     <- '(' Additive ')' / Number
Number      <- < [0-9]+ >
%whitespace <- [ \t]*


下面使用的例子都使用 man 1 peg 中规定的语法。基本类似正则表达式,思路是递归下降,我们先看一个最简单的例子

root    <- skip (int skip)* eof
int     <- [0-9]+
skip    <- [ \n\r\t]*
eof     <- !.

输入 " 123 456 ",解析流程如下

  1. 初始 skip:匹配开头空格。
  2. 循环匹配 int skip
    • 匹配 "123",随后 skip 匹配中间空格。
    • 匹配 "456",随后 skip 匹配末尾空格。
  3. eof 检查:输入结束,解析成功。


root    <- skip (float / int)? (one_ws (float / int))* eof

float   <- sign? float_ skip

int     <- sign? int_ skip

sign    <- [+\-]

float_  <- ((dec_int? '.' dec_int) / (dec_int '.')) ([eE] [-+]? dec_int)?
         / dec_int [eE] [-+]? dec_int

int_    <- '0b' bin_int
         / '0o' oct_int
         / '0x' hex_int
         / dec_int

dec_int <- dec dec_*
dec_    <- '_'? dec
dec     <- [0-9]

bin_int <- bin bin_*
bin_    <- '_'? bin
bin     <- [01]

oct_int <- oct oct_*
oct_    <- '_'? oct
oct     <- [0-7]

hex_int <- hex hex_*
hex_    <- '_'? hex
hex     <- [0-9a-fA-F]

ws      <- [ \n\r\t]
skip    <- ws*
one_ws  <- ws+
eof     <- !.


1)关于第一行是 int / float 还是 float / int

# 错误
root    <- skip (int / float)? (one_ws (int / float))* eof

# 正确
root    <- skip (float / int)? (one_ws (float / int))* eof

如果我们使用 int / float 的写法,那么是无法解析 3.14 的。原因是

The sequence operator e1 e2 first invokes e1, and if e1 succeeds, subsequently invokes e2 on the remainder of the input string left unconsumed by e1, and returns the result. If either e1 or e2 fails, then the sequence expression e1 e2 fails (consuming no input).

The choice operator e1 / e2 first invokes e1, and if e1 succeeds, returns its result immediately. Otherwise, if e1 fails, then the choice operator backtracks to the original input position at which it invoked e1, but then calls e2 instead, returning e2’s result.

这里解析了 3 是成功的,之后期望一个 one_ws 然后再次解析 (int / float),导致没有回溯。所以我们需要将 float 放到前面

2)为什么需要引入 one_ws


root    <- skip (float / int)* eof

因为需要支持 .2 这种浮点数。所以 float的规则前面是 dec_int?

float_  <- ((dec_int? '.' dec_int) / (dec_int '.')) ([eE] [-+]? dec_int)?
         / dec_int [eE] [-+]? dec_int

比如 3.1.4 ,我们会先解析到 3.1 这个浮点数,然后右解析到 .4 这个浮点数。所以这里必须要强制插入一个空白符,引入了一个 one_ws

root    <- skip (float / int)? (one_ws (float / int))* eof


// main.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

FILE* input = NULL;
static int lineno = 0;
static char* filename = NULL;

#define YY_CTX_LOCAL

#define YY_INPUT(ctx, buf, result, max)            \
    {                                              \
        int c = getc(input);                       \
        if (c == '\n')                             \
            ++lineno;                              \
        result = (EOF == c) ? 0 : (*(buf) = c, 1); \

#include "parser.c"  // include 自动生成的 peg 代码

void yyerror(yycontext* ctx, char* message)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s", filename, lineno, message);

    if (ctx->__pos < ctx->__limit || !feof(input)) {
        int start;
        int pos = ctx->__limit;
        while (ctx->__pos < pos) {
            if (ctx->__buf[pos] == '\n') {

        start = pos;
        ctx->__buf[ctx->__limit] = '\0';
        while (pos < ctx->__limit) {
            if (ctx->__buf[pos] == '\n')
            fputc(ctx->__buf[pos], stderr);
            pos += 1;
        if (pos == ctx->__limit) {
            int c = fgetc(input);
            while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {
                fputc(c, stderr);
                c = fgetc(input);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n%*c", ctx->__limit - start, '^');

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

int test_literal(const char* literal)
    input = fmemopen((void*)literal, strlen(literal), "r");
    lineno = 1;
    filename = "<stdin>";

    yycontext ctx;
    memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(yycontext));

    if (yyparse(&ctx) == 0) {
        yyerror(&ctx, "syntax error\n");
        return 0;

    return 1;

const char* valid_literals[] = {
    " ",
    "\n \n",

const char* invalid_literals[] = {

int main()

    printf("Testing valid literals:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(valid_literals) / sizeof(valid_literals[0]); i++) {
        printf("Testing: %s\n", valid_literals[i]);
        if (!test_literal(valid_literals[i])) {
            printf("[❌]Failed to parse valid literal: %s\n", valid_literals[i]);
            goto failed;
        } else {
            printf("[✅]Successfully parsed: %s\n", valid_literals[i]);

    printf("\nTesting invalid literals:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(invalid_literals) / sizeof(invalid_literals[0]); i++) {
        printf("Testing: %s\n", invalid_literals[i]);
        if (!test_literal(invalid_literals[i])) {
            printf("[✅]Correctly identified invalid literal: %s\n", invalid_literals[i]);
        } else {
            printf("[❌]Incorrectly parsed invalid literal: %s\n", invalid_literals[i]);
            goto failed;

    return 0;
    return 1;


peg grammar.peg > parser.c && gcc main.c && ./a.out


leg 工具可以方便的在 C 中嵌入 peg 实现一个 parser。语法和 peg 又不太一样,比如 <- 是要修改成 =。实际用下来感觉非常困难尤其在调试的时候

  1. 调试信息不友好,直接是 parser.leg:1: syntax error before text "%{"
  2. - 这个符号很特殊,报错的时候会变成 rule '_' used but not defined

上面的 peg 可以使用 leg 实现,有些情况没有处理好


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void remove_underscores(char *str) {
    char *p = str;
    while (*str) {
        if (*str != '_') {
            *p++ = *str;
    *p = '\0';

static bool state_has_exp = false;
static int state_sign = -1;


root    = (float | int) eol @{ state_has_exp = false; state_sign = 1; }
        | (!eol . )* eol { printf("failed to parse\n"); }

int     = sign? int_
int_    = "0b" i:bin_int { printf("=> 0b%b\n", i * state_sign); }
        | "0o" i:oct_int { printf("=> 0o%o\n", i * state_sign); }
        | "0x" i:hex_int { printf("=> 0x%x\n", i * state_sign); }
        | i:dec_int      { printf("=> %d\n", i * state_sign); }

dec_int = <dec dec_*> { remove_underscores(yytext); $$ = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10); }
dec_    = '_'? dec
dec     = [0-9]

bin_int = <(bin bin_*)> { remove_underscores(yytext); $$ = strtol(yytext, NULL, 2); }
bin_    = '_'? bin
bin     = [01]

oct_int = <oct oct_*> { remove_underscores(yytext); $$ = strtol(yytext, NULL, 8); }
oct_    = '_'? oct
oct     = [0-7]

hex_int = <hex hex_*> { remove_underscores(yytext); $$ = strtol(yytext, NULL, 16); }
hex_    = '_'? hex
hex     = [0-9a-fA-F]

float   = sign? float_
float_  = (int_part:dec_int? dot frac_part:dec_int (exp_sign s:sign? e:dec_int)?) { if (state_has_exp) { printf("=> %d.%d * 10^%d\n", int_part, frac_part, e); } else { printf("=> %d.%d\n", int_part, frac_part); } }
        | (int_part:dec_int exp_sign s:sign? e:dec_int) {  printf("=> %d * 10^%d\n", int_part, e); }

exp_sign = <[eE]> { state_has_exp = true; }

sign    = '+' { state_sign = 1; }
        | '-' { state_sign = -1; }

dot     = '.'
eol     = '\n' | '\r\n' | '\r' | ';'


int main() {
    while (yyparse());
    return 0;


leg grammar.leg > main.c && gcc main.c && ./a.out


体验一下就好。目前做 parser 的工具非常多,而且几乎语法是不相同的,但是核心思路差不多。leg / peg 这种工具很老了,不建议使用


·2116 words·5 mins